In the period 30.05 – 13.06.2023, a pilot study /phase 1/ was conducted with students from St.   Kliment Ohridski Primary School. Paisii Hilendarski” under the project “Robotics against bullying” – Erasmus+ KA3. The study involved children in grades 4 and 5, aged 11-12. For this purpose, materials of the pilot game “Roby, the mighty robot” were used. Two teachers from the school and two KITE representatives participate in the measurement. In advance, teachers explain to children how to work with the robot, the goals and rules of the game. The activity is supervised by teachers who are the class leaders of the children. The game showed and enabled the children to resolve conflicts without quarrelling. The children  communicate ethically and  calmly. Teachers give a positive assessment of the use of robots in learning. They offer other options and applications in other topics.

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