Teacher’s name: Bettina Ivanova – 182 Preschool and kindergarten “The little Bee” – Pasarel village.

  • Title of the game : Children’s Laboratory “The Magic of Water”
  • General aim of the game:
  • Development of ideas about inanimate (unliving) nature as a factor for life. Directing children to specific knowledge about the properties of water and their importance for the existence of man, animals and plants. Provoking interest in discovery and curiosity, through elementary experiments.
  • Age range addressed: 5 – 6 years old
  • Robot that can be used for this game: MIND robots Clementoni



Description of the board:

The game board is a table of cells arranged in 4 rows and 6 columns. In some of the cells are placed maps depicting various materials for studying the properties of water: pipettes; spoon, cups 50ml, 150ml, 500ml; bottle of water; scales; paints; Vit C soluble tablets; salt; oil; Brown sugar; white sugar; sand/. START is marked in the lower left corner.



Other useful materials: Други полезни материали:

Maps showing the necessary materials for the study.


Worksheets for reporting the results of the experiments.

Sheet_3 Sheet_2 Sheet_1


Phases of the game:

  1. Preparation:

A discussion was held beforehand about the characteristics of water: color, smell, taste.

The teacher encourages the children, by trying to study the process of solubility of some substances in water.

  1. Start of the game:

Children are given worksheets with instructions on what experiments to do and how to record the results obtained. The robot is placed on the START field. All children stand at the work board and with collaboration with ROBY start the game.

  1. Core phase of the Game

Goal of the robot’s movement: It is necessary to find the materials that are used to perform all the experiments.

  1. The robot turns on and moves along the board to the fields with the necessary materials.
  2. Participants play in the order determined by the group.
  3. The first participant starts the game and reaches one of the required materials. The second participant reaches the second and so on.
  4. After the children have chosen all the necessary materials, they perform the experiments.
  5. Monitor and report changes.
  6. Record the obtained results on the worksheet.


  1. d. Conclusion:

hildren discuss the obtained results and draw conclusions with the help of the teacher

  1. There are substances that dissolve in water and others that do not.
  2. When dissolving substances, water can change its color, taste, smell and transparency.

The children themselves decide how to work in the group and how to carry out the experiments.



The board is suitable for game application when studying the mass and density properties of water, and the properties of other substances.

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