“RoBy the mighty robot” is an educational robotic game that can be used to discuss bullying and aggressive behaviours solutions with children of different age ranges (from 6 to 12 years old). The game is thought to be played by the children in a group. Each round of the game is a quest to solve a bullying situation. The game itself can be played in many ways, depending on:

• the age of the pupils,

• the bullying situation(s) might be actually present in the class/ among the pupils

• the reading and understanding abilities of the pupils

• the general dynamic of the pupils in class

The game board is composed of different cards with behaviours in the front and explanation on the back. The players have to move the robot through 5 different behaviours, towards the possible solution of a given problematic situation.

The attached file introduces the instructions to play the educational robotic game with Clementoni CyberRobot.

Instruction for printing:

Print sheets front and back.
– Orientation of the sheet vertically
– DO NOT fit the content to the page (the images to be printed are exact size squares for the robot’s step)

Click here to download the English version
Click here to download the Italian version
Download instructions
Click here to download the Spanish version
Download instructions
Click here to download the Lithuanian version
Click here to download the Portuguese version
Click here to download the Turkish version
Click here to download the Macedonian version
Click here to download the Romanian version
Click here to download the Polish version
Click here to download the Bulgarian version

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